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    Sold by Pumeer Magsin

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    Meet Your Seller

    Wireless Bluetooth Gamepad For Sony PS3 Controle Gaming Console Joystick Remote Controller For Playstation 3 Gamepads color:(starry sky

    • Wireless Bluetooth Gamepad For Sony PS3 Controle Gaming Console Joystick Remote Controller For Playstation 3 Gamepads color:(starry sky
    1. Lithium Ion rechargeable battery pack built-in
    2. wireless controller utilizes Bluetooth technology for wireless game play
    3. Can be charged at any time through the PLAYSTATION system using the mini USB cable (not included)
    4. can even detect sin movements for real-time and high precision interactive play, acting as a natural extension of the user's body
    Play & Charge Technology: Recharge battery pack when connecting via USB
    6. Perfect for racing, sports and action games
    7. L2 and R2 analog trigger buttons
    8. Dual Vibration brings back the "rumble" feature for full gameplay immersion
    1. Compatible with PS3 only
    2. Work with all PS3 Console (UK, AU, US, EU etc.... )
    Package content:
    1 x Wireless Controller

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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