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    Meet Your Seller

    Litecoin Dogecoin New Bitmain Antminer L7 9160MH/s 3425w Miner LTC Mining-Antminer L7 9160MH/s

    • 1. The ANTMINER L7 9160Mh has a 19-fold improvement compared to the previous iterations, the L3+.
    • 2. The ANTMINER L7 9160Mh stands at the forefront of Scrypt cryptocurrency mining equipment, resulting in a seamless Litecoin/Dogecoin mining experience.
    • 3. The ANTMINER L7 9160Mh incorporates the same technology used from BITMAINs flagship lineup, the 19 series, delivering the latest in-depth customization and optimization of thermal design.
    • 4. The ANTMINER L7 9160Mh delivers an impressive 0.36 J/MH electricity to power ratio, establishing the L7 as a low-power consumption miner that maximizes profitability.
    • 5. We will charge 40% restock fee if return the antminer L7 9160Mh , so please make a serious consideration before purchase.
    • 6. Please kindly note that the required input voltage for L7 9160Mh is 220V. The wrong input voltage probably cause miner damaged.
    Product name: Antminer L7 9160Mh
    Algorithm: Scrypt
    HashRate: 9160Mh/s
    Power Consumption: 3425W
    Fan (s): 4
    Noise Level: 75db

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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