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    PCI-E AX3000 Dual-band PCI Express Wireless Network Card Bluetooth 5.1 Gaming 3000M WIFI6 Network Card Intel AX200 Chip Support MU-MIMO Only Support Windows 10 (64-bit )

    • Wifi 6 Eight advantages, rate increased by 40%, higher throughput, dual frequency coverage, OPDMA technology, WPA3 more secure, more efficient connection, MU-MIMO, energy saving and low power consumption
    • MU-MIMO technology blessing,Multi-device and multi-task connection at the same time, rejection delay, freeze ,The Wi-Fi5 standard only supports downlink MU-MIMO, while Wi-Fi6 supports both uplink and downlink MU-MIMO, further improving wireless network broadband utilization
    • Intel AX200 chip,It adopts Intel's sixth-generation wireless protocol AX standard, which has enhanced performance and compatibility compared with the previous generation 802.11AC protocol, while reducing power consumption and increasing service life.
    • Bluetooth 5.1,Simultaneous connection of multiple devices
    • Compatible system,Only support Intel platform Windows 10 (64-bit system)

    Wifi 6 Eight advantages, rate increased by 40%, higher throughput, dual frequency coverage, OPDMA technology, WPA3 more secure, more efficient connection, MU-MIMO, energy saving and low power consumption

    MU-MIMO technology blessing,Multi-device and multi-task connection at the same time, rejection delay, freeze ,The Wi-Fi5 standard only supports downlink MU-MIMO, while Wi-Fi6 supports both uplink and downlink MU-MIMO, further improving wireless network broadband utilization

    Intel AX200 chip,It adopts Intel's sixth-generation wireless protocol AX standard, which has enhanced performance and compatibility compared with the previous generation 802.11AC protocol, while reducing power consumption and increasing service life.

    Bluetooth 5.1,Simultaneous connection of multiple devices

    Compatible system,Only support Intel platform Windows 10 (64-bit system)

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Amify Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
