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    White 8pin Graphics Card Power Connector 180° Turning Steering Head ,Computer GPU Power Supply Connector 8PIN Adapter 180° Turning(2 PACK One Positive Direction and One Negative Direction )

    • 2 PACK (one Positive and one negative,Avoid making the wrong choice and cause confusion)
    • ATX 8-pin female tube to 8-pin male tube 180 degree angle adapter for desktop graphics card
    • 1.ATX 8-pin female tube to 8-pin male tube 180 degree power adapter, used for desktop graphics
    • 2.The adapter is designed to change the installation direction of the ATX 8-pin cable
    • 3.You can use this adapter to install the 8-pin power cable from vertical to horizontal, which solves the PSU installation problem with the limited height of the chassis
    • 4.If you have two graphics cards, please judge the positive direction or the negative direction of the connector, and I will send you what you need

    2 PACK (one Positive and one negative,Avoid making the wrong choice and cause confusion)

    ATX 8-pin female tube to 8-pin male tube 180 degree angle adapter for desktop graphics card

    1.ATX 8-pin female tube to 8-pin male tube 180 degree power adapter, used for desktop graphics

    2.The adapter is designed to change the installation direction of the ATX 8-pin cable

    3.You can use this adapter to install the 8-pin power cable from vertical to horizontal, which solves the PSU installation problem with the limited height of the chassis

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Amify Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
