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    3x5cm mSATA to 3x7cm Mini PCI-e SATA SSD Adapter for Eee PC 1000 S101 900 900A 901 T91

    • Product Option:Cable length:Other.

    Product Option:Cable length:Other.Contact with us if you need other option.

    3x5cm mSATA Adapter to 3x7cm Mini PCI-e SATA SSD for Eee PC 1000 S101 900 901 900A T91Alow mSATA SSD to work as mini PCIe SATA SSD in EEE PC 900/900A/901 laptopDesigned for Mini PCI-e SATA Pin-out only,not support mini PCIe PATA or mSATA interface.Only support mSATA 30x50mm SSD.PCB dimension: 70x32x5mmNo need driver ,plug and play please note:SSD began to work after updating the version of BIOS with the file 900--1006.ROM from 19.03.2009. To update the version of BIOS, you need to find and download the file", unpack it, get the file "900-- 1006.ROM

    rename to" 900.ROM "write to the root of any flash drive or CD-card,

    insert into the computer and at startup, instead of entering Setap about

    F2, press Ait-F2. At the same time, the program will start, which will find the file "900.ROM" and reinstall DIUS.  It's not instantaneous, wait until the reinstallation is complete. After that, the computer will boot from the new MSATA SSD

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

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