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    Meet Your Seller

    2Pcs 4 Pin Molex IDE to 2 Serial SATA Hard Driver Power Cable ATA Y Splitter Dual SSD HDD Extension Cord Adapter Connector D-Type to SATA

    • You can easily add this cable adapter to your one of your computer's Molex connectors and be able to provide power for up to 2 SATA drives.
    • SATA power cable used to convert / split standard PSU outlet (4 pin molex) to 1/2 SATA outlets Long service time and so durable.
    • One end of the SATA power cable is a typical 4-pin IDE/ATAPI power connector (which gets connected to an unused power cable from the power supply) and the other end is connected to the SATA hard drive.

    You can easily add this cable adapter to your one of your computer's Molex connectors and be able to provide power for up to 2 SATA drives.

    SATA power cable used to convert / split standard PSU outlet (4 pin molex) to 1/2 SATA outlets Long service time and so durable.


    One end of the SATA power cable is a typical 4-pin IDE/ATAPI power connector (which gets connected to an unused power cable from the power supply) and the other end is connected to the SATA hard drive.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Amify Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
