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    Meet Your Seller

    12.7/9.5mm Aluminum Metal Material Universal 2nd HDD Caddy SATA to SATA 2.5" SSD HDD Case SATA III for Notebook Laptop

    • Good Quality
    12.7/9.5mm Aluminum Metal Material 2nd HDD Caddy SATA To SATA 2.5'' SSD HDD Case SATA III 3.0 

    Brief Introduction:

    1. 100% Brand New & Never Used Item;

    2. The thickness of this adapter is 9.5mm or 12.7mm;

    3.  Internal Interface: SATA (for 2.5'' HDD/SSD);

    4. External Interface: SATA (for Laptop/ Mother Board);

    5. The 2nd Hard Disk Drive Caddy / Adapter to bring you new maximum data storage flexibility. With the second HDD in your Laptop,

    6. You can speed to backup important applications and critical data ( Simply remove your CD-ROM drive and put the Caddy (with the added hard drive) in its place.


    1. Plug & Play

    2. Fast & Reliable connection  just as the primary HDD.

    3. Fully integrated into Laptop, no cables / PSU / software driver needed.

    4. Dual boot, Support installation of 2nd Operating System on the 2nd HDD and boot selection. 4

    5. There are 4 screws inside the caddy, more stable for HDD/SSD installation.


    The Universal SATA-to-SATA Caddy is compatible with laptops that has a 9.5mm or 12.7mm thickness optical bay with SATA interface.

    Package List: 

    1 x 9.5mm /12.7mm HDD Caddy

    1 x Screw Driver

    4 x Screw

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
