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    Meet Your Seller

    Mellanox MCB194A-FCAT Connect-Ib, Host Bus Adapter, 2 Ports, PCI Express 3.0 X16

    • World-class cluster, network, and storage performance
    • I/O consolidation
    • Virtualization acceleration
    • Scales to tens-of-thousands of nodes
    • World-class cluster, network, and storage performance
    • Guaranteed bandwidth and low-latency services
    • I/O consolidation
    Product Description
    Connect-ib adapter cards provide the highest performing and most scalable interconnect solution for server and storage systems. High- performance computing, web 2.0, cloud, big data, financial services, performance improvements resulting in reduced completion time and lower cost per operation. Connect-ib delivers leading performance with maximum bandwidth, low latency, and computing storage applications. Maximum bandwidth is delivered across PCI Express 3.0 X16 and two 100 GB/s of throughput together with consistent low latency across all CPU cores. Connect-ib also enables PCI Express 2.0 X16 systems to take full advantage of fdr, delivering at least twice the bandwidth of existing PCIe 2.0 solutions.

    Connect-ib supports data operations including noncontiguous memory transfers which eliminate unnecessary data copy operations and CPU overhead. Additional application acceleration is achieved with a 4X improvement in message rate compared with previous the next level of scalability and performance requires the data and application accelerations. Mellanox messaging (mxm) and Fabric collective accelerator (fca) utilizing core-direct technology accelerates mpi and pgas communication performance, taking full advantage of connect-ib enhanced capabilities. Furthermore, connect-ib introduces an innovative transport service dynamic transport, to ensure unlimited scalability for clustering of servers and storage systems.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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