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    Zebra Symbol DS4308-HD7U2100SGW 2D-Imager High Density Handheld Barcode Scanner USB Kit with Stand

    • Zebra Symbol DS4308-HD7U2100SGW 2D-Imager High Density Handheld Barcode Scanner USB Kit with Stand
    If you're looking for extraordinary flexibility and performance in your handheld scanner, the next-generation scanning technology in the DS4308 delivers. Its truly extraordinary range does the job of two scanners, allowing you to scan nearer and farther than any other scanner in this class. Your workers can scan virtually any barcode.

    The DS4308 does it all - 1D or 2D, electronic or printed on paper labels or plastic cards, even if the barcode is dirty, scratched or poorly printed. With PRZM Intelligent Imaging inside, your workers can capture barcodes as fast as they can pull the scan trigger. And that means no more Point-of-Sale exceptions that can turn into longer lines, longer wait times and lost sales. The DS4308 - a new class of scanner for a new world of barcodes.

    Zebra DS4308 - Powerful scanner that does the job of two
    The Standard Range (SR) model offers an extraordinary range, eliminating the need to purchase separate standard and extended range scanners. The High Density (HD) model scans standard bar codes as well as the tiny, dense barcodes commonly found on jewelry tags, consumer electronics and electronic components.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.
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    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 30 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by MIQIA Return Policy

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