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    Meet Your Seller

    Datalogic Gryphon GD4590 2D Barcode Scanner Reader GD4590-BK with USB Cable (Scanner Only)

    • Reads 1D, 2D and postal codes plus stacked and composite codes
    • The Gryphon GD4590 is the natural replacement for the Gryphon GD4430. It represents the premium range of hand held scanners from Datalogic for general purpose applications and stands out with its elegant and trendy design, its unchallenged ergonomics and it features the most advanced Megapixel sensor with white-illumination 2D technology for outstanding performance
    • Omnidirectional reading, Advanced motion tolerance optics. It has multi-interface options: USB-only or multi-interface RS-232 / USB / Keyboard Wedge
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    Datalogic Gryphon GD4590 - Corded Barcode scanner

    The new GD4500 is the newest member of Datalogic's popular Gryphon series. Designed with the user in mind, the Gryphon GD4500 imager stands out with an elegant and trendy design. The performance is unchallenged with the most advanced Megapixel sensor with white-illumination 2D technology. Perfect for both handheld and presentation reading the GD4500 takes advantage of Datalogic's Motionix motion-sensing technology which detects the natural actions of the user to automatically switch the scanner into the desired scanning mode.

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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