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    Meet Your Seller

    Datalogic QuickScan QD2430-BKK1S Handheld Barcode Scanner USB Cable Kit

    • Outstanding snappiness
    • Omnidirectional reading
    • Reduced visual stress with LED-based aiming system
    • Datalogic's patented "Green Spot" technology for good-read feedback
    • Advanced motion tolerance optics
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    Datalogic QuickScan QD2430 - Corded Barcode scanner

    The Datalogic QuickScan QD2400 2D imager was specifically created to address the needs of retailers and meet the market demand with outstanding omnidirectional reading performance on virtually all codes at an affordable price. Elegant design details are incorporated into a smaller, balanced lightweight enclosure on the QuickScan QD2400, without sacrificing Datalogic's well-known durability. Ideally suited for applications at the point-of-sale (POS), the QuickScan QD2400 imager features a new illumination and aiming system developed with the unique intent to reduce visual stress of the operator during the daily scanning activities. The QuickScan QD2400 imager reads typical printed linear barcodes as well as complex 2D barcodes displayed on the screen of a mobile device or loyalty cards.

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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