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    Meet Your Seller

    End Audio Powerline 400 amplifier Power Cable Signature Edition power wire for fi preamp

    • Good Quality
    Note:The order is a pair of prices, a set of 1 meters

    Technical Parameters

    Diameter:about 16mm

    Seld: Heavy metal double seld

    5-foot length is greater flexibility for longer installations.

    24k gold-plated contacts for maximum conductivity and corrosion resistance.

    100% mylar foil seld for rejection of EMI and RFI.

    Ultragh-performance hookup for A/V components equipped with IEC power connections.

    Very famous Powerline 400 original wire, is a must-have player

    Make sure the smooth passage of large power supply, give you a clean, stable power supply!

    From the perspective of the cross-section of the wire rod, it is simply a jaw-dropping structure. Three separate cores coated with anisotropic insulation material are filled with silicone rubber, and a layer of 4n gh-purity copper wire is carefully knitted between the shock-absorbing cotton yarn and the rubber. As a seld, you can ensure a smooth passage of large power at the same time, there is a good selding effect, effectively eliminate harmful radio frequency interference, no wonder that has been fancier positioned as advanced audio dedicated power cord, completely put an end to the modern city grid transmission Interference. In addition to sounding sweet, transparent, and good texture, the low frequency has made great progress, and the low frequency is strong and powerful. The whole band is even more flat, the sound is more vivid, the details are more abundant, the sound field is obviously improved, the sound image is clearer, the music background is more quiet, and the rebroadcast effect is improved.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
