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    20cm 2 15Pin SATA Male to PCI-e 8Pin (6+2) Male Video Card Power Cable 8PIN to 15PIN Converter Cord Wire for Multi-graphics Card

    • Good Quality
    Dual 15Pin SATA Male To PCIe 8Pin(6+2) Male Video Card Power Cable


    This is a Dual 15Pin SATA Male To PCIe 8Pin(6+2) Male Video Card Power Cable. 

    The current computer power supply in order to save costs, not for 8PIN graphics card power supply, or mining design or mining with a multi-graphics card when the power supply is not enough, with a single line of current is not enough.

    Now with this conversion line can solve the problem, directly to double SATA 15PIN power to graphics card 8PIN power port, added graphics card current.

    Because high-end graphics cards are used 8PIN power supply, the current is relatively large, with a single SATA port current is not enough, easy to burn line. So you must use two SATA port to provide 12V power supply to 8PIN graphics Card.


    1. SATA power head PC host power supply SATA, 8Pin access card 8PIN.

    2. Applicable to the computer has excess power SATA power head, no 8PIN graphics card power supply use


    Name: Dual 15Pin SATA to PCI-E 8Pin (6Pin + 2Pin) Cable

    Quantity: 1 piece

    Length: 20cm / 7.87in

    Wire: 18AWG

    1  * 8pin(6+2) to Dual 15pin SATA Power Cable

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

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