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    Internal Mini SAS (SFF-8087) to 4x SATA 7-Pin F Forward Breakout Cable 50CM

    • Internal Mini SAS (SFF-8087) to 4x SATA 7-Pin F Forward Breakout Cable 50CM
    Internal Mini SAS (SFF-8087) to 4x SATA 7-Pin F Forward Breakout Cable 50CM; 6Gb / s four points SAS line Mini sas to SATA SFF-8087 to 4 SATA 50cm;
    Scope: This line is the positive line, Mini SAS connector onboard board SFF-8087 interface server board or SAS expansion card / array card, SATA interface can be directly connected to the SATA interface hard drive or server chassis backplane.
    Transmissionrate: 6Gbps
    Features: both ends are straight, SATA interface with metal shrapnel, this line with 8Pin SGPIO lamp line, the chassis backplane if the match of the LED light line interface is better, no also can not.
    Packaging: Each line Mini SAS head has a dust cap, transparent PE bag packaging.

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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