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    Chipset USB 2.0 to DVI VGA converter adapter for mac os. windows 8/10

    • Good Quality
    Kindly note: 1)this USB 2.0 docking station is clearance stock, it is never used but there are some obvious scratches on it.

    2)this ethernet functions is subject to your devices.

    The USB 2.0 External DVI VGA Video Card allows you to easily connect an extra monitor to your desktop or laptop's USB port for a seamless dual display set up. The connected monitor can be configured to either mirror your primary screen, or extend it across an additional display allowing visibility of more applications at the same time. The USB to VGA video card includes specialized software that is easy to install and guarantees little difference in performance between a directly connected screen and a screen connected through the USB 2.0 External VGA Video Card.

    Increased Productivity

    Connect displays for a completely immersive gaming experience or create a dual display setup for increased productivity at work. With dual displays you can run multiple applications simultaneously, reference material on one display while you edit another, or access data from two programs at the same time. The USB 2.0 External VGA Video Card driver used to control the extra screen offers a vast array of screen resolutions and color depths while using minimal computer resource. This means that when it's used with your laptop or other portable device, the External VGA Video Card won't drain your device's precious battery life. The USB to VGA adapter is a cost-effective way to grant your desktop and portable devices dual monitor capabilities, and since it's completely external you don't have to worry about taking your computer apart.


    Easily connect additional VGA monitors via USB 2.0 ports

    Extend your desktop, or mirror content on two displays

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

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