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    Meet Your Seller

    Asiahorse Customization Mod Sleeve Extension Power Supply Cable Kit 18AWG ATX/EPS/8-pin PCI-E/6-pin PCI-E (White)

    • Asiahorse Customization Mod Sleeve Extension Power Supply Cable Kit 18AWG ATX/EPS/8-pin PCI-E/6-pin PCI-E (White)
    1.1 x24 Pin ATX Extension Cable, 1x(4+4)Pin EPS Cable, 2x8 Pin PCI-e Cable, 2x6 Pin PCI-e Cable
    2. Each psu cables comes in 300mm in length with black connectors on both ends, includes cable combs (4PC each cable)
    3. TRIPLE layer cable weaving design with 18AWG wire, pass test Mechanics
    4. For a clean cable management and a uniform design? offers a better solution to modding enthusiasts with M/B and PCI-E Cables
    5. Can Customization The Length and Color-

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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