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    2 Pack USB to 3-Pin / 4-Pin PWM 5V USB Sleeved Fan Power Adapter Cable, USB to 3 Pin / 4 Pin Case Fan Adapter Connector Cable (USB-3Pin/4Pin Cable)

    • This cable is 5V USB port to small 3-pin / 4-pin fan cable, it allows you to power most case fans by using a USB connection, 3pin or 4pin case fan power adapter cable both OK
    • Connector: One is USB port, another one is small 3 pin / 4 pin case fan power adapter cable port
    • Cable length: 11.8inch
    • Fan must have a start voltage at or below 5V (fans with a higher start voltage will NOT work)
    • 12V fans will be operated at a reduced 5V voltage for silent operation
    This cable is 5V USB port to small 3-pin / 4-pin fan cable, it allows you to power most case fans by using a USB connection, 3pin or 4pin case fan power adapter cable both OK
    Connector: One is USB port, another one is small 3 pin / 4 pin case fan power adapter cable port
    Cable length: 11.8 inch
    Fan must have a start voltage at or below 5V (fans with a higher start voltage will NOT work)
    12V fans will be operated at a reduced 5V voltage for silent operation

    Warranty & Returns

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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