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    Meet Your Seller

    HiLetgo FT232RL FTDI Mini USB to TTL Serial Converter Adapter Module 3.3V 5.5V FT232R Breakout FT232RL USB to Serial Mini USB to TTL Adapter Board for Arduino

    • Chipset: FT232RL, not genuine FTDI chip, Working Voltage: 3.3V/5.5V
    • RXD/TXD transceiver communication indicator, with 500MA self-restore Fuse
    • Pin Definition: DTR,RXD,TX,VCC,CTS,GND
    • Support Win95/98/98se/ME/2000/XP/win7 32bit 64bit /Vsita/, do not Support Win8
    USB power has over current protection, using 500MA self-restore fuse.
    RXD/TXD transceiver communication indicator.
    Pitch: 2.54 mm.
    Please download the driver and files at link:
    http: //www. ftdichip. com/FTDrivers. htm

    Package included:
    1* FT232RL USB to TTL Serial Adapter Module

    This adapter is not genuine FTDI chip because it's based on so cheap a price, so it will be automatically bricked by the latest FTDI drivers in Windows. The fix is to ensure that you use the older version of the FTDI drivers ( 2.8. 3) on windows or use only with Linux or OS X. If you've already bricked it, please follow these instructions at below link (requires a Debian based Linux
    http: //www. minipwner. com/index. php/unbrickftdi000

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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