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    FTDI TTL-232R-3V3 USB to TTL UART Converter Adapter Serial Cable,3.3V, Header 4 Pin, 4 WAY

    • TTL-232R-3V3 program cable with FTDI chip FT232RL built-in.
    • USB to UART cable with +3.3V TTL level UART signals. Header 4 Pin,6ft. Can be used to program boards compatible with Raspberry Pi, Odroid C4, BeagleBone Black etc.
    • Compatible with Windows, Mac OS, Linux
    • 4 way outputs provide TXD(white), RXD(green),VCC(red) and GND(black)
    • Alias: usb ttl 3v3,ftdi ttl-232r-3v3,ttl 232r 3v3 pinout,ttl-232r-3v3 programmer cable,ttl-232r-3v3 cable pinout,ftdi usb ttl-232r-3v3 cable,ttl-232r-3v3 pinout,ttl-232r-3v3 serial adapter,ttl-232r-3v3 usb-serial converter 3 3v,ttl-232r ttl to usb serial converter,ftdi ttl-232r-3v3 usb to ttl serial cable,usb serial cable ttl-232r-3v3,ttl 232r rpi, ttl-232r-3v3 rpi, usb ttl serial adapter,usb ttl adapter,usb ttl cable,usb ttl 3.3v

    TTL-232R-3V3 cable is a series of USB to TTL serial UART converter cables that combine the FT232RL USB to serial UART interface chip device, which can handle all USB signals and protocols. This cable provides a quick and easy way to connect TTL-level
    serial port devices to USB. Each TTL-232R cable contains a small internal electronic circuit board, using the FT232R molded into one end of the cable's USB connector. The cable supports FTDIChip-ID, with a unique USB serial number, written into the
    FT232R. This feature can be used to create a security code or password to protect file transfers when using the cable.


    • Connect directly to a microcontroller UART or I/O pins.

    • UHCI / OHCI / EHCI host controller compatible.

    • 4 way outputs provide TXD(white),RXD(green),VCC(red) and GND(black)

    • Data transfer rates from 300 baud to 3 Mbaud at TTL levels.

    • Fully assisted X-On /X-Off software handshaking.

    • Internal EEPROM with user writeable area.

    • USB 2.0 Full Speed compatible.

    • Support for FT232R FTDIChip-ID feature for improved security.

    • TTL-232R Converter Cable provides a USB to TTL Serial interface with various end connectors.

    • On board FT232RL provides single chip USB to asynchronous serial data transfer interface.

    • Entire USB protocol handled by the electronics in the cable USB.

    • Low USB bandwidth consumption.

    • -40°C to +85°C operating temperature range.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by LDFRIHNG Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
