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    BONAEVER USB to RJ12 6P6C RS232 FT232RL Serial Converter APC PDU Cable for APC UPS 940-0144

    • USB to RJ12 6P6C RS232 FT232RL Serial Converter APC PDU Cable for APC UPS 940-0144
    • USB to RJ-12 PDU is a fully compatible replacement cable for APC 940-0144 and 940-0144a in a USB version
    • Durable molded cable on both ends. Tested to perform as the original PDU 940-0144 Cable
    • Compatible with APC metered and switched PDU AP78xx, AP79xx, AP86xx, AP88xx, AP89xx, etc
    • FT232RL chipset allows for easy installation on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Linux has driver installed by default. Windows automatically downloads the driver from windows update Drivers are available for download if needed


    USB to RJ12 6P6C RS232 FT232RL Serial Converter APC PDU Cable for APC UPS 940-0144

    USB to RJ-12 PDU is a fully compatible replacement cable for APC 940-0144 and 940-0144a in a USB version

    Durable molded cable on both ends. Tested to perform as the original PDU 940-0144 Cable

    Compatible with APC metered and switched PDU AP78xx, AP79xx, AP86xx, AP88xx, AP89xx, etc

    FT232RL chipset allows for easy installation on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Linux has driver installed by default. Windows automatically downloads the driver from windows update Drivers are available for download if needed

    New Geniune FTDI FT232RL Chip Import Abroad:

    Geniune FTDI Chip import from UK . Quality Stable . Mutiple System Support .

    All new FTDI chipset. For reliable and compatible replacement cable, usb to Connect your PC. rj12 to connect your APC PDU Device

    FTDI FTDI chip + RS232 Level Shifter with the best compatibility and stability.

    Operating system support:

    From FTDI company drivers support

    Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 8.1 x64

    Windows 8 Windows 8 x64

    Windows Server201 2 Windows Server 2008 R2

    Windows 7 Windows 7 x64 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008 x64

    Windows Vista Windows Vista x64

    Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2003 x64

    Windows XP Windows XP x64

    Windows ME Windows 98 Linux Mac OS X Mac OS 9 Mac OS 8

    Windows CE.NET (Version 4.2 and greater) Android Windows RT

    Note: If your operating system can not download the drivers automatically, you may need to download and install a driver from FTDI Official Website to Download it or read the user installation guideline

    Compatible with APC metered and switched PDU:


    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 30 days
    • Return for replacement within: 90 days
    • This item is covered by BONAEVER Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
