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    Meet Your Seller

    Mobile Game Controller with Fan Gamepad Six Finger Trigger Aim Button L1R1 Shooter Joystick for IPhone Android Phone 3 Type

    • Good Quality

    Main Features:

    Ergonomic and comfortable grip just enjoy your game.

    No Power supply and driver needed, easy to use, high precision, high sensitive.

    The and aim controller can be flipped for easy operation of the touch screen.

    Phone Cooling Pad;Quiet yet powerful fan gives you the best balance between silence and performance.No longer to worry about your cell phone overheating after long time playing games. Stay cool,play cool!

    4 fingers operate at the same time, faster than the enemy, giving you a better gaming experience.

    Setting Instruction:

    Start your game, and press the "Settings"-"Control"-"Customize"

    Move the "FIRE" button to the top of left corner

    Move the "AIM" button to the top of right corner

    Adjust the and aim buttons under the touchpad of the cellphone game controller

    Save" your settings and restart your game


    According to different mobile phones model, please adjust your button according to individual circumstances.

    When the installation is completed, you need to lock your screen, start the game again and then these buttons will work normally.


    Ergonomic and comfortable grip just enjoy your game.

    No Power supply and driver needed, easy to use, high precision, high sensitive.

    The and aim controller can be flipped for easy operation of the touch screen.

    Phone Cooling Pad;Quiet yet powerful fan gives you the best balance between silence and performance.No longer to worry about your cell phone overheating after long time playing games. Stay cool,play cool!

    4 fingers operate at the same time, faster than the enemy, giving you a better gaming experience

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
