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    7007 F Wireless Bluetooth Gamepad For Android Phone TV Iphone Scalable Game Controller Joystick Gamepads

    • Good Quality
    7007F Wireless Bluetooth Gamepad For

    Android Phone TV Iphone Scalable Game Controller Joystick Gamepads

    Pls note the 7007F game controller is not support the MTK chip android phone

    The 7007F game controller support IOS sytem(11.0 to 13.4),support Andorid 8.0 above


    2019 Latest VersionMobile game controller for iphone IOS and Android system, works with bluetooth game controller, solving the problem of the clumsy controlling of the touch-screen games!

    Supported Devices & Games Mobile game trigger and joystick telescopic boom design allows you to adapt to different sizes of smartphones suitable for all models of 4.5-6.7 inch length IOS / Android phones. Phone gaming controller compatible with all touch-screen smartphones. Suitable for a variety of shooting games, including for PUBG ,for Fortnite, for rules of survival, survivor Royale, critical OPS, more than a dozen popular games are available.

    Longer Playing TimePhone controller 5 minutes without using automatic standby. Charging for 1.5 hours, Playing 12 hours. Energy saving system is very good. Telescopic-boom alloy designing with heat sink. Don't let your phone have a 'fever'.

    Precise ShootingMobile controller providing precise controlling on the in-game characters, and can deal easier with more complex positioning. The ultra low-friction joystick with anti-slip design enables you to play effortlessly in 360 degree.

    Customize MappingFor Bluetooth game controller support customize button setting for your preference, download App: ShootingPlus V3, supporting button combination! Significantly improves your victory by providing better control of quick-aiming, tap firing, spraying, and everything!

    Warranty & Returns

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

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