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    Meet Your Seller

    USB Condenser Microphone Kits for Karaoke Computer Microphone for Sound Studio Recording BM 800 PC Microfone Gamer

    • Good Quality

    USB condenser microphone


    1. Product launch

    This microphone is the latest generation of digital audio products.

    Ct design for desktop, laptop network voice entertainment

    Nt. Give you excellent experience in network singing, voice chat, web

    Accommodation, family karaoke, individual recording, music listening

    2. The products use

    This microphone is a free player, ready to use, microphone

    Can be used on a common system, including WINDOWS, LINUX, etc.

    This microphone has precision electronic circuit control

    Inside, and good heart-shaped pointing, high, low sensitivity output

    Noise, wide dynamic range, etc.

    Technical parameters

    3. Important Notice

    1) this microphone pickup capacity is very strong, if you use the spea

    Kers for closerange monitoring, the microphone will howl or ring

    The clarity diminishes when singing, discussing. Please do not use the

    Speakers for monitoring the closerang when using the microphone.

    2) using the computer's remote control interface is more convenient

    3) this microphone is equipped with a microcomputer control chip for

    The whole function of the machine. When the supply shock, may appear

    Abnormal operation. Please check your equipment.

    The associated specification or deployment may be changed without prior notice


    Microphone Material: steel mesh + zinc alloy tube

    Directionality: Cardioid

    Its head: capacitor

    Frequency response: 30HZ-20KHZ

    Directivity: heart-shaped pointing

    Sensitivity: 25mv / Pa (-42db + 2db)

    Power supply: USB DC5V power supply

    Cable length: 1.5M


    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
