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    Meet Your Seller

    Magnetic Lock Shower Curtain Sealer with 3M VHB Adhesive White

    • Is a magnetic shower curtain sealing system that is durable and easy to use, virtually eliminating the escape of water from the shower. The prevention of water pooling on the floor dramatically reduces the occurrence of slip and fall accidents in the bathroom. The installation of a safety product like the Magna-Lock is a proactive effort that helps prevent injury.
    Size: 2.25" wide and 18.5" 1 magnet for each side

    Helps to prevent slip and falls in the bathroom, works with any shower curtain liner
    This heavy duty plastic shower lock has 3M VHB adhesive for attaching to shower wall surface
    Throughly clean shower surface and peel the 3M protective paper apply to wall
    After Installing allow 24 hours for adhesive to bond before using your shower
    Keeps the shower curtain sealed in place, preventing the escape of water
    Keeps the bathroom floor dry, helping to prevent slips and falls due to wet floors
    Helps prevent water damage which could otherwise result in mold and mildew formation
    Prevents cold drafts and clinging curtains
    Conserves water, reduces energy costs, is compatible with any shower curtain, and is easy to install and use with no tools or assembly required

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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