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    Meet Your Seller

    SparkFun USB-C Breakout

    • Supplies up to 3x the power of other USB types
    • Incorporate a USB-C connector into your projects
    • No need to solder any tiny SMD pads to the board
    • Forget the USB plug dance; USB-C is reversible - plugs in the first time
    Key Features: Incorporate a USB-C connector into your projects No need to solder any tiny SMD pads to the board Supplies up to 3x the power of other USB types Forget the USB plug dance; USB-C is reversible - plugs in the first time With this USB breakout you will finally be able to incorporate a USB-C connector into your projects without needing to solder each tiny SMD pad. The SparkFun USB-C Breakout supplies up to three times the power as previous USB iterations and also solves the universally frustrating dilemma of plugging a USB cable in correctly because it' s reversible! This board breaks out the USB-C connector' s VBUS, GND, CC1, CC2, D+, and D- pins intro a 0.1" pitch header while providing up to a nominal 1.5A of power and up to 3A depending on the upstream device.
    Item Specifics Size: 0.87 in x 0.55 in x 0.19 in
    Weight: 1.35 g Some basic soldering skills and tools required

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Amify Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
