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    Meet Your Seller

    / Dforce CR10 heatsink All Metal Hotend upgrade Kit for CR-10 Ender3 micro swiss CR10 hotend Titanium heat breaker for 3D Printer

    • Type:CR10 Heatsink

    Swiss MK10 Hotend Kit 

    *Compatible with ENDER-3 ender-5 cr-10 3D Printer.

    *Compatible NTC 100K 3950 Thermistor sensor OR 104 GT-2 Thermistor sensor


    Compatible with CR-10S

    Compatible with CR-10S -S5

    Compatible with CR-10S -S4

    Compatible with CR-10

    Compatible with CR-10 -MINI

    Compatible with CR-20

    Compatible with CR-20 PRO

    Compatible with Ender2

    Compatible with Ender3

    Compatible with Ender3 PRO

    Compatible with TronXY X5S

    Compatible with Tevo Tornado

    Compatible with Alfawise U20

    Recommended slicer setting:

    retraction speed over 80MM/S

    retraction length 2.5-4MM

    If you are facing PLA clogging problem, please try the followings:

    1. Increase the retraction speed. The speed may have being limited in the firmware try to change it. G-command "M203 E200"

    2. Increase the extruder  acceleration. Check your firmware settings. G-command "M201 E9000"

    3. Reduce the retraction length. It depends on your machine setup.

    4. Increase the nozzle temperature by 5-10 degrees.

    5. Do not install the 2 screws for support the heatblcok like the stock hotend on the

    CR-10 printer.

    6. Make sure that there is no gap between the heatsink and the heat breaker.

    *Compatible with ENDER-3 ender-5 cr-10 3D Printer.

    Please read here:


    is a drop in All Metal Conversion kit for CR-10 printers. It requires

    absolutely zero modification to your printer to install. Our uniquely

    designed cooling block eliminates need for a thermal tube. By not having

    separate thermal tube inside cooling block, it allows for faster heat



    heat break is made from Titanium Alloy to provide excellent thermal

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
