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    * Product Type: Data Cartridge
    * Packaged Quantity: 1
    * Tape Technology: LTO-7
    * Product Type: Data Cartridge
    * Packaged Quantity: 1
    * Tape Length: 3149.61 ft
    * Tape Technology: LTO-7
    * Product Name: Ultrium 7 Data Cartridge 1-Pack
    * Brand Name: Lenovo
    * Brand Name: Lenovo
    * Native Storage Capacity: 6 TB
    * Compressed Storage Capacity: 15 TB
    * Native Storage Capacity: 6 TB
    * Compressed Storage Capacity: 15 TB
    * Product Type: Data Cartridge
    * Packaged Quantity: 1
    * Tape Technology: LTO-7
    * Brand Name: Lenovo
    * Native Storage Capacity: 6 TB
    * Compressed Storage Capacity: 15 TB

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.
    • Read full details

    Return Policies

    Manufacturer Contact Info
