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    LD Remanufactured Replacement 57 C6657AN Pack of 4 Color Ink Cartridges for Color Copier 410, DeskJet 450,

    • Compatible with: HP Color Copier 410 | DeskJet: 450 450cbi 450ci 450wbt 5150 5150v 5150w 5151 5550 5550v 5551 5650 5650v 5650w 5655 5850 5850w 9650 9670 9680 9680gp F4135 F4140 F4150 F4172 F4180 F4185
    • OfficeJet: 4110 4110v 4110xi 4215 4215v 4215xi 5505 5508 5510 5510v 5510xi 5515 6105 6110 6110v 6110xi J5508 J5520 | PSC: 1110 1110v 1205 1209 1210 1210L 1210v 1210xi 1310 1311 1312 1315 1315xi 1317
    • PSC: 1318 1340 1350 1350v 1350xi 1355 2100 2108 2110 2110v 2110xi 2115 2150 2170 2171 2175 2175v 2175xi 2200 2210 2210v 2210xi 2410 2410v 2410xi 2510 2510xi | PhotoSmart: 100 130 130xi 145 145v 145xi
    • PhotoSmart: 200 230 230v 230xi 245 245v 245xi 7150 7260 7260v 7260w 7350 7350v 7350w 7450 7450v 7450xi 7459 7550 7550v 7550w 7660 7660v 7660w 7755 7760 7760v 7760w 7762 7960 7960v 7960w
    Save even more with our set of 4 HP 57 C6657AN color inkjet cartridges. These LD remanufactured ink cartridges have been thoroughly cleaned along with the printhead nozzles. Following the cleaning process, we refilled the cartridge with a professionally manufactured pigment-based ink formula for archival print life and color stability. This ink formula is specially designed to produce vibrant and long-lasting prints comparable to HP. After carefully inspecting the shell for leakage and monitoring the electrical circuitry for efficiency, we put the cartridge through a final print test to be certain it is worth of our 100% LIFETIME guarantee. Our remanufactured ink cartridges are not remanufactured by HP. For use in the following printers: Deskjet 5550, PSC 1315, OfficeJet 6110, PSC 1210, Deskjet F4140, PhotoSmart 7760, PhotoSmart 7350, Deskjet 5650, OfficeJet 5510, OfficeJet 4215, Deskjet F4135, PhotoSmart 7960, Deskjet 5150, PSC 1350, PSC 1209, PhotoSmart PSC 2410v, PhotoSmart 7660, PhotoSmart 7550, OfficeJet 4110, PSC 2410, PSC 2175, Deskjet F4185, Deskjet F4180, OfficeJet 5510v, OfficeJet 4215xi, OfficeJet 4215v, Deskjet 9650, PhotoSmart 7450, PhotoSmart 7260, PhotoSmart 7150, OfficeJet 6110xi, Deskjet 5850, PSC 2410xi, PSC 2210, PSC 2110, PSC 1315v, PSC 1315xi, PSC 1210v, PSC 1210xi, PSC 1110, Deskjet 450, PSC 1312, Deskjet F4172, Deskjet F4150, PSC 2210xi, PSC 2210v, PSC 2410v, PSC 1311, OfficeJet 5505, OfficeJet 5510xi, PhotoSmart 7755, Deskjet 9680, Deskjet 9670, PhotoSmart 7960w, PhotoSmart 7760w, PhotoSmart 7760v, PhotoSmart 7660w, PhotoSmart 7660v, PhotoSmart 7450v, PhotoSmart 7260w, PhotoSmart 7260v, Deskjet 5850w, Deskjet 5650w, Deskjet 5150w. LD Products is the exclusive reseller of LD Products brand of high quality printing supplies. We are the exclusive reseller of LD Products brand of high quality printing supplies.

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 30 days
    • Return for replacement within: 90 days
    • This item is covered by Nature Return Policy

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