What is/are in the package?
HP 32A 232A CF232A (1 Drum)
How many pages does this print up to?
Up to 23,000 pages based on 5% coverage
How do you install the toner cartridge?
Remove the orange cover, if applicable
Pull out the plastic tag (where you see the orange ring) which is on the side of the cartridge, if applicable
Insert into the printer
Enjoy printing!
What are the compatible printers?
HP Pro M203dn M203dw M203d MFP M227sdn MFP M227fdw MFP M227fdn MFP M230sdn M230fdw Printer
What is the warranty?
Green Toner Supply offers 1-Year money back warranty on defective toner cartridges
What is the shelf life?
Suggested shelf life: Up to 36 months
Please store the unused/unopened toner cartridges in a dry and cool place. Avoid sun exposure
Have a question or a problem?
Please do not hesitate to contact us, our Customer Services Team will usually response your email or message within 1-2 business days.