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    Printhead Print Head For Zebra LP TLP 2844 GC420t GC420d Printer 203dpi G105910-053 G105910-048

    • Genuine new Printhead for TLP2844 TLP2844-Z LP2844 LP2844-Z R2844-Z GC420d GC420t desktop label printers, 203dpi, PN G105910-053 G105910-048. Note: this printhead doesn't fit TLP or LP 2824 printers.
    • Fit for TLP 2844 and 2844-Z printers: 2844-10402-0001, 2844-10401-0001, 2844-10400-0031, 2844-10400-0011, 2844-10400-0001, 2844-10301-0031, 2844-10300-0021, 2844-10300-0011, 284Z-10440-0001, 284Z-10402-0001, 284Z-10401-0001, 284Z-10400-0001, 284Z-10302-0001, 284Z-10301-0001, 284Z-10300-0041, 284Z-10300-0001, 284Z-10400-0041, 284Z-10390-0001, 284Z-10370-0001, 284Z-10330-0001
    • Fit for LP 2844, LP 2844-Z and R 2844-Z printers: R284-10400-0001, R284-10400-0001, R284-10300-0041, 284Z-20402-0001, 284Z-20401-0001, 284Z-20400-0001, 284Z-20302-0001, 284Z-20301-0001, 284Z-20300-0001, 284Z-20400-0041, 284Z-20390-0001, 2844-20402-0001, 2844-20401-0031, 2844-20400-0001, 2844-20301-0031, 2844-20301-0011, 2844-20301-0001, 2844-20300-0031, 2844-20300-0021, 2844-20300-0011, 2844-20300-0001, 2844-20430-00
    Printhead for Zebra LP2844 LP2844-Z TLP2844 TLP2844-Z R2844-Z GC420d GC420t Printers, 203dpi, PN G105910-053 G105910-048
    Note: This printhead doesn't fit TLP2824 or LP2824 printers. Please double check your printer part number before purchase.
    Compatible Printer Models:
    TLP 2844: 2844-10402-0001 2844-10401-0001 2844-10400-0031 2844-10400-0011 2844-10400-0001 2844-10301-0031 2844-10300-0021 2844-10300-0011
    TLP 2844-Z: 284Z-10440-0001 284Z-10402-0001 284Z-10401-0001 284Z-10400-0001 284Z-10302-0001 284Z-10301-0001 284Z-10300-0041 284Z-10300-0001 284Z-10400-0041 284Z-10390-0001 284Z-10370-0001 284Z-10330-0001
    R 2844-Z: R284-10400-0001 R284-10400-0001 R284-10300-0041
    LP 2844: 284Z-20402-0001 284Z-20401-0001 284Z-20400-0001 284Z-20302-0001 284Z-20301-0001 284Z-20300-0001 284Z-20400-0041 284Z-20390-0001
    LP 2844-Z: 2844-20402-0001 2844-20401-0031 2844-20400-0001 2844-20301-0031 2844-20301-0011 2844-20301-0001 2844-20300-0031 2844-20300-0021 2844-20300-0011 2844-20300-0001 2844-20430-0001 2844-20401-0001 2844-20400-0901 2844-20400-0011 2844-20330-0011 2844-20307-0011 2844-20303-0001 2844-20302-0031 2844-20302-0001 2844-20300-0001
    GC420d: GC420-200510-000 GC420-200511-000 GC420-200510-0QB
    GD420t: GC420-100510-000 GC420-100511-000 GC420-100510-0QB GC420-100580-000

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by LDFRIHNG Return Policy

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