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    Meet Your Seller

    PTZ Camera with USB Outputs,10X Optical Zoom,Live Streaming Camera for Broadcast,Conference,Events,Church and School

    • Apply 1/2.9 inch CMOS sensor and large aperture lens(Maximum Aperture F2.36) offers 10x lossless optical zoom and 16X Digital Zoom.The High SNR of CMOS sensor and WDR, 2D&3D Digital noise reduction supports working in LOW illumination.Hold your streaming in low lighting with this ptz camera.
    Apply 1/ 2.9 inch CMOS sensor and large aperture lens(Maximum Aperture F 2.36 ) offers 10x lossless optical zoom and 16X Digital Zoom. The High SNR of CMOS sensor and WDR, 2D&3D Digital noise reduction supports working in LOW illumination. Hold your streaming in low lighting with this ptz camera.
    As a PTZ camera, supports horizontal rotation(-170° to 170°) and vertical rotation(-30° to 90°). It has multiple ways of control, such as the included IR remote, UVC/Visca/Pelco-D/Pelco-P control via USB or RS232.
    Is a Full HD professional live streaming camera and video conference camera, it can output max 1080p@30fps video from USB 2.0 (MJPEG & H.

    264 & YUY2). Support UVC PTZ and other technologies, ability to support advanced features for live streaming.
    Compatible with most software on the market, such as Zoom, Skype, Teams, Webex, OBS, Twitch, YouTube Live, Facebook live etc. It has a variety of installation modes, which can be used with tripod brackets, wall brackets, and ceiling brackets.
    What can you get. 10X Full HD PTZ Camera, Power adapter, IR remote control, manual, USB Cable

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 30 days
    • Return for replacement within: 90 days
    • This item is covered by SMTAV Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
