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    Meet Your Seller

    NewerTech 8-inch Mini DVI to VGA Video Adapter. Exceptional Quality. Matches Apple 'White'. Model NWTCBLMDVIVGA

    The Mini DVI to VGA Adapter lets you connect an advanced digital monitor, such as the 20- or 23-inch Apple Cinema Display, to a iMac Intel Core Duo & Core 2 Duo (2006-2008), MacBooks (except the 2009 white unibody), Mac mini (Early & Late 2009 models), and 12-inch PowerBook G4. The iMac, MacBook, Mac mini or 12-inch PowerBook G4 that allows you to connect an external display or projector using an adapter. You can use an external display as your main workspace or to extend your desktop, or you can work in mirrored mode with a projector so you can view what your audience sees.

    Use the Mini DVI to VGA Adapter to connect to any high resolution display up to 24" that includes a VGA connector. Review the documentation or check with the manufacturer of your monitor to make sure you're choosing the right adapter.

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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