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    Meet Your Seller

    IoT Gateway RS485 to WiFi Dual-Band Serial Server HF Protoss-PW31B 2.4G 5G Din Rail Industrial Device Support Http Client Modbus TCP to RTU (Low Voltage)

    • 3-Way Socket: The Protoss-PW31B Server Supports 3-way Network Link , And can Be Any Combination of TCP Server , TCP Client . UDP Server and UDP Client Mode . It can Be Used for Data Transmission Multi-server Backup and Remote Abnormal Diagnosis .
    3-Way Socket: The Protoss-PW31B Server Supports 3-way Network Link , And can Be Any Combination of TCP Server , TCP Client . UDP Server and UDP Client Mode . It can Be Used for Data Transmission Multi-server Backup and Remote Abnormal Diagnosis .
    Keep Alive: By Default , The Product has a Low-level Heartbeat Packet to Maintain TCP Stability in theTCP Link . It can Effectively Avoid Invalid Links Caused By Abnormal Disconnection . The Sending Time of KeepAlive can be Modified by the User .
    Custom Data Heartbeat: The User can Customize the Content of a Heartbeat Packet and the Interval Between Sending and Sending . After the Product Sends the Network Packet , After the Sending Interval is Reached , the Heartbeat Packet that has been Set is Automatically Sent out , and the Data Heartbeat Packet is Used to Maintain the Device and the Server.
    Firmware Upgrade: Use the Host Computer Software IOTmanager or Web to Upgrade the Firmware Of the Products in the LAN Through the Network . No Operator Needed to Go to the Site to Upgrade Each Devicehrough the Serial Port , and Implement Batch Upgrade Through IOT manager Software.
    Script Secondary DevelopmentIOT script Is used for data conversion of High Flying IOT industrial control equipment . After downloading the script to the industrial control equipment , it can realize a variety of special functions.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

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