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    SATA Power 15P To 6P Graphics Card Reverse Power Wiring 15 Pin 6PIN Graphics Card Power Cord 15CM

    • SATA Power 15P To 6P Graphics Card Reverse Power Wiring 15 Pin 6PIN Graphics Card Power Cord 15CM
    Type:Power Cable
    Origin:Mainland China

    Product introduction:
    SATA power supply to 6p graphics card power supply {total length: 15cm
    Connection method:
    The SATA power head is connected to the power supply of the computer host, and the 6pin is connected to the graphics card 6pin
    It is suitable for use when the SATA power head of computer power supply is redundant and there is no 6pin graphics card power supply.
    Because this adapter is specially made, only 5 of the 6 ports can be connected. One of the ports is connected with two wires, and the other is empty.
    Type: hard disk graphics card power cord
    Name: SATA power 15p to 6p graphics card power cable

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