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    M.2 X4 Adapter Card To 2013 2014 2015 for MacBook Air A1465 A1466 Mac Pro M2 PCIE X2 X4 SSD NEW

    • Good Quality
    Item Description100% brand new and high quality

    The adapter card can't identify if your M.2 hard disk interface only support SATA AHCI mode!

    Compatibility With2013 for Macbook Pro A1493 A1502 ( MD864 MD865 MD293 Md294) SSD

    2013 for MacBook Pro retina A1398 A1502 (ME864 ME865 ME866 ME293 ME294) SSD

    2013 for Macbook Air A1465 A1466 ( MD711 MD712 MD760 MD761) SSD

    2014 for Macbook Air A1465 A1466 ( MD711 MD712 MD760 MD761) SSD

    2014 for MacBook Pro retina A1502 A1398 (MGX72 MGX82 MGX92 MGXA2 MGXC2) SSD

    2015 foir MacBook Pro retina A1502 A1398(MF839 MF840 MF841 MGXA2 MGXC2) SSD

    2015 for MacBook Air A1465 A1466(MJVM2 MJVP2 MJVE2 MJVG2) and Mac Pro ME253 MD878 SSD

    The product only support read data and write data in SSD,don not support as the system startup disk.

    Size: (L*W)10.00*2.15cm/3.94"*0.85"

    Quantity: 1Pc

    NoticePlease make sure the size of adapter card for your computer! Because adapter card + SSD, size is bigger than standard M.2 solid-state drives.

    Pleae make sure the M.2 port of computer supports PCIe X4 or PCIe X2 transfer mode(The speed of SSD can reduce 50% if M.2 SSD port only supports PCIe X2 transfer mode)!

    M.2 slot and SATA-3 port,SATA-4 port (Some motherboard is not this two ports, please refer to the main board operation instruction) and SATA Express port of the motherboard can only choose one to use,otherwise it will cause hard disk can't identify.

    Some motherboard M.2 port transfer mode needs in the BIOS Settings,the SSD can't identify if transfer mode error.How to enter the BIOS Settings please consult customer service of the motherboard manufacturer or query manual of motherboard.


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    Warranty & Returns

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

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