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    ADT- R43SG-TB3 PCIe x16 PCI-e x16 to TB3 Extension Cable PCI-Express Cables eGPU Adapter

    • Good Quality
    SW1, Power Forced Start Switch, 1 for automatic startup, 2 for forced startup, please cut to 1 for automatic startup.

    SW2, PERST # signal delay switch, 1 delay 2.2 seconds, 2 delay 4.5 seconds, with eGPU software, for graphics card compatibility optimization, the current software does not support, please cut to 1

    SW3, CLKRUN # signal delay switch, 1 is closed, 2 is delayed for 9 seconds, with eGPU software, for graphics card compatibility optimization, the current software does not support, please cut to 1

    J1, PERST # signal delay switch, OPEN to open delay function, SHORT to close delay function, the current software does not support, please insert the cap SHORT.

    J2, CLKRUN_Capacitance Delay, currently the software does not support, only for R&D engineers plug in capacitance adjustment delay testing. It takes about 2.2 seconds to insert a 1uF capacitor, 5 seconds to insert a 2.2u capacitor, and so on.

    Installation steps:

    1. Install the hexagonal copper pillar and insert the graphics card into the PCIe x16 slot. The screw is tightened so that the graphics card will not shake or fall off.

    2. Install ATX power supply or power supply, including graphics card power cord should also be connected, after installed, power supply will light orange lights.

    3. You can plug in the M.2 cable when the computer is off. After power on, the ATX power supply will automatically start the fan to turn. If you use the power supply, the green light will turn on. At this time, the R3G board will turn on two green lights. The system will recognize the card automatically. Please install the graphics card driver. The installation of the driving process may prompt the computer to restart.

    4. finish.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

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