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    Meet Your Seller

    GD9980 Thermal Paste Silicone Heat Sink CPU Cooler Cooling Fan Thermal Conductivity Cooler For Processors PC VGA LCD

    • Good Quality
    GD9980 Thermal Paste Silicone Heat Sink CPU Cooler Cooling Fan Thermal Conductivity Cooler For Processors PC VGA LCDDescription:

    Color : White

    Shelf Life: 6 Months

    Surface Dry: 5 Minutes

    Bond Strength: 1.8 MPA

    Specific Gravity: 2.4 G/Cc

    Packaging: Aluminum Tube

    Operating Temperature: -4~482 Degrees Fahrenheit

    Thermal Conductivity: 0.671 W/M-K


    1. After being bonded, it is difficult to be separated. Please use in caution.

    2. Please tighten the upper cap after using, avoiding curing.

    3. The curing speed of GD9980 thermal conductive adhesive is related with environmental temperature, humidity and the thickness that smeared. The higher of the temperature and humidity value, and the thinner you smear (recommend the thickness of A4 paper), the curing time will be much shorter. Conversely, the time will be longer.

    Product features:

    Apply to REACH and RoHS environmental protection requirements. High thermal conductivity, effective insulation, high temperature resistant, low oil departs non-corrosive.

    Working principle:

    Fill the gap between heating element and the cooling device; Increase the contact area, so as to achieve the soundest effect of thermal conductivity.

    Warm notice:

    Keep children away from it. If swallowed or inadvertently come into eyes, ear, nose, mouth. Brush with clean water or send to hospital when necessary.


    Normal temperature preservation. Please cover it after using, avoid impurities such as dust, which will have effect of thermal conductivity.

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
