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    Heatsink Fan Cooler Copper Base 4 Pin PWM 2011 cooler 2U 2 Ball Cooler Fan PC Computer Heatsink Fan For Intel

    • Good Quality
    Heatsink Fan Cooler Copper Base 4 Pin PWM 2011 cooler 2U 2 Ball Cooler Fan  PC Computer Heatsink Fan For Intel

    All copper radiator in good quality 

    The thickness of the radiator is 50mm, suitable for mounting in 2U chassis.

    Using 7cm double ball fan, long life, support double temperature control speed: thermistor temperature control + 4-wire PWM speed regulation, suitable for server and other professional fields

    Recommended for s with power consumption lower than 80W

    The air volume is not large, but please do not choose for noise sensitive people.

    Please choose according to your own platform:

    A) 1150/1151/1155 platform: suitable for I N T E L 1150 1155 1156 architecture with plastic backplane

    B) 1356 platform: without backplane

    C) 1366 platform (do not backplane): If the 1366 motherboard itself has been fixed with a backplane, select this item

    D) 1366 platform (to be equipped with a backplane): If the 1366 motherboard itself does not have a fixed backplane, select this item.

    E) 2011 (square hole pitch):: The square hole pitch is 80*80mm. Please confirm that the mounting hole distance of your motherboard heat sink is also 80*80mm (some special 2011 motherboards are rectangular pitch)

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
