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    LL Series LL120 LL140 RGB Dual Light Loop RGB LED PWM Single Fan Pack 3 Fan Pack with Lighting Node Pro

    • Good Quality

    LL 120The LL120 RGB PWM fan combines excellent Airflow, low-noise operation and 16 brilliant independent RGB LEDs, spread between two separate light loops that encircle the fan and its hub. Pair with an existing LL120 RGB kit or lighting Node Pro (sold separately) to customize lighting with a wide array of vivid effects and patterns. Using an optimized 120mm fan blade and PWM control, set the speed of the fan anywhere from 600 RPM to 1, 500 RPM for precise noise and airflow adjustment. Made for those seeking excellent Airflow, quiet operation, and powerful lighting, The LL120 RGB fan puts your PC back in the loop.

    LL 140The ll140 RGB PWM fan combines excellent airflow, low-noise operation and 16 brilliant independent RGB LEDs, spread between two separate light loops that encircle the fan and its hub. Pair with an existing ll140 RGB kit or lighting Node Pro (sold separately) to customize lighting with a wide array of vivid effects and patterns. Using an optimized 140mm fan blade and PWM control, set the speed of the fan anywhere from 600 RPM to 1, 300 RPM for precise noise and airflow adjustment. Made for those seeking excellent airflow, quiet operation, and powerful lighting, the ll140 RGB fan puts your PC back in the loop.

    LET YOUR LIGHTS DO THE TALKINGMade for those seeking excellent airflow, quiet operation, and powerful lighting, the LL120 RGB fan puts your PC back in the loop.

    CREATE A SYMPHONY OF COLORThe LL120 RGB LED PWM fan boasts 16 independent RGB LEDs across two separate light loops to create vibrant lighting and visual effects.


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    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.

    Return Policies

    • Return for refund within: 15 days
    • Return for replacement within: 30 days
    • This item is covered by Hetai Return Policy

    Manufacturer Contact Info
