GND: Common ground
VCC: DC9--30V power input operating current: 350mA
DATA-: communication
interface (RS232: data receiving; RS485: RS485-)
DATA+: communication
interface (RS232: data transmission; RS485: RS485+)
RESET: reset
NO1, COM1 are 1 channel
NO2, NC2, COM2 are 2 channel
NO3, NO4, NO5, NO6, NO7, COM are 3~7 channel
COM, COM1, COM2, COM8 are common port for relay
NO is the normally open terminal of the relay
NC is the normally closed end of the relay
Relay contact AC voltage max: 125V; current max: 500mA
Relay contact DC voltage max: 30V; current max: 1A
The UT-5512 is an 8-channel relay output controller with an external RS-232/485 opto-isolated communication interface. It is very easy to use the program to control the functions of those outputs, plus simple drive lines to drive external devices (e. g.: pneumatic components, external relay switches, electric eye status, remote control interface instruments, analog-to-digital-to-analog converters, stepper motor control, etc. ).