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    Meet Your Seller

    Zebra Formerly Motorola Symbol DS9208 Digital Hands-Free Barcode Scanner 1D and 2D with USB Cable

    • Hands-Free
    • USB, RS-232, Keyboard Wedge, IBM
    • USB Cable Included
    The Motorola DS9208 hands-free presentation imager keeps checkout lines moving while ensuring customer satisfaction and sales by quickly scanning printed barcodes on paper labels or mobile barcodes on the screen of a mobile phone. You get the versatility to scan any 1D or 2D barcode from printed labels in retail that identify product and pricing at the register to mobile coupons, mobile gift and loyalty cards, boarding passes and even theatre tickets. Plus, the omni-directional DS9208 offers all of the features needed to keep workers productive: industry-leading scanning speed; true point-and-shoot scanning simplicity with no need to align barcode and scanner; and hands-free and handheld flexibility. he DS9208 not only helps you make money, it helps you save money. The device is so intuitive that training and training-related costs are virtually eliminated. Right out of the box, the DS9208 can read the most common 1D and 2D barcodes on a wide variety of surfaces & from paper labels to cell phone displays. Integrated Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) functionality also eliminates the need to purchase and manage a standalone EAS system.
    UPC NO: 758399859746
    SKU: ADIB01C65YOE4

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