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    Meet Your Seller

    zebra ls2208-sr20001r-na barcode scanner white (ls2208-sr20001r-na)

    • The affordable LS2208 handheld bar code scanner provides fast, reliable scanning in an ergonomic, lightweight form. The wide working range -from near-contact to 17 inches - makes this device ideal for

    Durable, Single-Board Construction
    Meets stringent 5ft drop tests.

    Scratch-Resistant Tempered Glass Exit Window
    Designed for continuous use.

    Accurate First-Time Capture of 1D Bar Codes
    Increased productivity, resulting in shorter check-out lines and better customer service.

    Wide Working Range
    Delivers optimal performance from contact to 17 in. (43cm).

    Multiple On-Board Interface
    Simple installation and integration, and ensures future compatibility.

    Plug-and-Play, with Universal Cable
    Means rapid deployment, with a single cable connecting to any computing environment.

    Intuitive Design
    Minimizes setup and training time.

    Ergonomic, Lightweight Design
    Reduces user fatigue with sleek, balanced form for maximum comfort and productivity.

    Hands-Free Intellistand
    Enables presentation scanning and easy switching between hands-free and handheld modes.

    Advanced Data Formatting (ADF)
    Enables users to modify data prior to sending to host computer, reducing costly modifications to the host software.


    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.
    • Read full details

    Return Policies

    Manufacturer Contact Info
