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    Meet Your Seller

    Zebra MC9500-K Wireless Rugged Mobile Computer (Brick, 802.11a/b/g, LAN, 2D Imager, Integrated GPS, 3MP Auto focus colo

    The Motorola MC9500-K rugged, handheld mobile computer leverages all the flagship features and functionality of Motorola's signature MC9000 Series rugged mobile computers while introducing many new capabilities defined through extensive research and testing. The new ergonomic form factor gives this sleeker, smaller handheld unsurpassed performance with one-handed operation, while its rugged design makes the MC9500-K suitable in any environment. Incorporating the latest in technology, including expanded processing power and an upgraded operating system, the MC9500-K puts powerful new capabilities into the hands of your customers' employees.


    Wi-Fi ( 802.11 a/b/g), 2D Imager Scanner, GPS, 3MP Color Camera, Color VGA Display, 256MB/1GB, Alphanumeric Wide Keypad, Windows Mobile 6.5, Audio, Voice. Interface cables and charging cradles are sold separately.

    Warranty & Returns

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.
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