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    Meet Your Seller

    Your field workforce needs a mobile computer to access the people and information required to maximize efficiency and better serve your customers. You want to give them an enterprise-class handheld built for life out in the field - yet your workers expect a device that is every bit as refined and easy-to-use as their own consumer smartphone. Introducing the TC75, the Android mobile computer that delivers it all.


    Wi-Fi ( 802.11 a/b/g/n), 2D Imager
    8 Megapixel Camera, Android KitKat
    1GB RAM/8GB Flash, NFC
    Bluetooth. Interface cables and charging cradles are sold separately.
    microSD card slot gives an extra storage option
    4.7" HD display screen allows you to execute two applications at the same time
    Provides simple, affordable and highly secure connectivity to your remote workers with wireless technology
    Experience the versatility of Bluetooth connectivity with your Zebra Handheld Terminal


    Brand: Zebra
    Connectivity Technology: Wireless
    Image Sensor Type: Imager
    Scanner Range: Standard Range
    Standard Memory: 1 GB
    Flash Memory: 8 GB
    Touchscreen: Yes

    Warranty & Returns

    Warranty, Returns, And Additional Information


    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.
    • Read full details

    Return Policies

    Manufacturer Contact Info
