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    Meet Your Seller

    Zebra Technologies - DS3678-ER3U4212SVW - Zebra DS3678-ER Handheld Barcode Scanner - Wireless Connectivity - 1D, 2D - Imager - Bluetooth - Industrial Green

    Zebra's DS3678-ER ultra-rugged scanner has unstoppable performance for extended range 1D/2D barcode scanning. The cordless DS3678-ER scanner enables workers to reliably scan 1D and 2D barcodes near and far, while offering unmatched ultra-rugged design, scanning performance and manageability. The ultra-rugged DS3678-ER is practically indestructible and deployment and management are simple and fast. The DS3678-ER is built from the ground up to handle extreme cold. The DS3678-ER is built with unique plastics, cables and components that are designed to handle freezing temperatures without becoming bitter, making the scanner ideal for use in freezers and outdoor yards.

    Zebra's Network Connect for Automation delivers a seamless connection between DS3678-ER scanners and a manufacturer's industrial Ethernet network without the need for third part conversion equipment.

    Cordless Barcode scanner, Zebra DS3600-ER, 1D/2D Imager, Rugged, Line Cord/USB, Handheld, Extended Range, Vibration Motor, IP65 and IP67.
    Kit includes: scanner, 7-foot USB cable, cradle, power supply, and line cord, Green
    At a low cost, it gives more control by manual scanning, thus adds to the effectiveness and profitability
    Increases productivity by giving the opportunity to wander, without the tangle of cables
    Incredible and responsive 2D scanning even on curved or translucent surfaces

    Warranty & Returns

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.
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