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    Meet Your Seller

    Zebra Technologies - DS8178-SR0F007ZZWW - Zebra DS8178-SR Handheld Barcode Scanner - Wireless Connectivity - 1D, 2D -

    Zebra's DS8100 Series Handheld Imagers are the ultimate performance, innovation and manageability. Give every shopper the ultimate last impression with the DS8100 Series handheld imager. The DS8100 Series rises above the conventional imagers, delivering unprecedented scanning performance on 1D and 2D barcodes, innovative productivity and enhancing tools, including swappable power sources plus unrivaled manageability tools to keep your scanners up, running and in the hands of your cashiers. The DS8100 Series combines the power of an 800 MHz microprocessor, a high-resolution megapixel sensor and Zebra's exclusive PRZM intelligent imaging technology.


    Cordless Barcode scanner, Zebra DS8178, 1D/2D Imager, Standard Range,
    General Purpose, SCANNER ONLY, Handheld, IP52, Black
    Increases productivity by giving the opportunity to wander, without the tangle of cables
    Rapidly incorporate 1D and 2D barcode information to records, spreadsheets, and databases


    Brand: Zebra
    Model: DS8178
    Connectivity: Wireless
    Part & Accessory Type: USB Cable, Cradle Battery
    Scan Engine: 2D/1D

    Warranty & Returns

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    • Please contact the Seller directly for warranty information. Warranty information may also be found on the Manufacturer's website.
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